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EU Sou

Kelly Adão

ARTiStA gRáFicA 

[ilustração + design gráfico]

[illustrator + graphic designer]

Atuo desde 1998 na área, tendo experiências profissionais bem diversificadas, porém todas elas permeando pelas Artes Visuais em geral.


Trabalhei em agências de propaganda e houses (nacionais e multinacionais), estúdios de Design, departamentos de Marketing, Museu, ateliê de Cerâmica, e também como arteeducadora.


Atualmente trabalho como freelancer e leciono também cursos particulares e oficinas relacionadas a Arte e Design.


Minhas maiores alegrias na vida são trabalhar com arte, andar de skate, surfar e praticar Yoga.

Obrigada pela sua visita! :)


Iwork with graphic arts since 1998.
I'm a dynamic and creative graphic designer, art director and illustrator. I've had the pleasure of working with and collaborating with several national and multinational companies such as Volcom Stone and Rip Curl.


I've created, developed and coordinated materials for trade marketing. I have extensive experience in developing brand logos, editorial pieces, graphic designs, catalogs, posters, illustrations, image processing and much more.


My colleagues, and those that I have worked with in the past, would describe me as professional, innovative, dedicated and extremely organized and efficient individual.


I look forward to meeting and working with you.

My greatest joys in my life are working with art, skateboarding, surfing and practicing yoga.



Kelly Adão, designer gráfica, ilustradora, diretora de arte
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